Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tribute to Champ Car - #07 Champ Car Panoz DP01 by Cowtown Bob

Much like Goobers' effort, Cowtown Bob designed a possible showcar. Similar to Goobers in the liberal use of the arrow featured in the Champ Car logo, the car has a simple, clean design and, like Goobers' car, has the arrows pointing forward, into a bright vision of the future that the series could never ultimately fulfill.

Tribute to Champ Car - #07 Champ Car Panoz DP01 by Goobers

Fitting that the first first few posts will be of cars that feature Champ Car's own logo. It was over 2 years ago that the Panoz DP01 was launched in San Jose as a way of rebooting the series with a new car that was less expensive and more nimble than that Lola - a car that was designed to embrace that street circuits that were beginning to define the series at that point in time. Our crack team of artists were able to put together some great 2D and 3D templates in no time, and many of the first liveries were designed to be what the show car could look like. This was an effort by Goobers, and is a clean, simple design. '07 would be the last Champ Car season, rather than the first of a new era.

Welcome to the new FantasyLiveries.com

We took a year off. A year of mourning the end of the Champ Car World Series. But it's time to be back and better than ever.

Thanks to so many great contributions over the years, the previous website had become too large and burdensome to manage. The new site will be based here in Blogger, and will allow shorter publishing times and more commentary on each and every one of the over 1,000 beautiful liveries that comprise our great website.

Second, we're opening up to all racing series (except for one, and if you don't know, don't ask). With Champ Car coming to an end, this site will accept submissions from all major worldwide racing series, so let's restart the creativity. Champ Car, Atlantics, LeMans, WRC, FIA GT, Formula 1, Superleague, A1GP, Star Mazda, Formula BMW, F3000, GP2, World Series by Renault / Nissan, NASCAR Sprint Cup, NASCAR Nationwide, NASCAR Camping World Trucks, DTM, Formula Nippon, V8 Supercars, and any of the world's other great, real racing series.

Crapwagon.com's Fantasy Liveries 2.0 - a celebration of speed and color. Welcome back.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Peter76 Wins the San Jose Grand Prix Contest!

Congrats to Peter Leung (aka Peter76) for his win in the San Jose Grand Prix show car livery contest! Peter's won himself two tickets to the recharged 2006 San Jose Grand Prix, and the car will be making its debut in its new livery for the 2007 race. (Who says 2d liveries can't compete with 3d?). Congrats to everyone involved, with a special thanks to Dale Jantzen at the San Jose Grand Prix for making it all possible.

That makes Peter 2 for 2 in career livery contests after his previous win last fall for the Aussie F3000 CoolTemp car.

Major site update coming soon. We've got new cars from almost everyone, plus a bunch of ideas for what the new Panoz DP01 chassis should look like when it's launched in San Jose.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

SJGP Contest Update

Getting close to raceday in San Jose, only 6 weeks away.

We'll announce the winner of the livery contest during or immediately after the Cleveland weekend!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

SJGP Contest Over!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the San Jose Grand Prix show car design contest. The liveries site will be updated this evening with some of the entrants, and we'll post the winning car here on the blog as soon as it's announced. Great work everyone.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Hey everyone...

Hope your Memorial weekend went well; just a reminder the deadline for the San Jose Grand Prix show car liveries contest is tomorrow at 11:59 pacific time. Happy painting...

Saturday, May 27, 2006


I have high res eps logos for the Canary Foundation and the San Jose Grand Prix, I'll post them later.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

SJGP Contest Update

A few new rules/clarifications:
You can enter as many cars as you want..let creativity reign.
The organization is now known as the "Canary Foundation", not the "Canary Fund". You can get a good idea of the colors and the logo here: http://www.canaryfoundation.org
Logos for the organization and the race are on the way.

SJGP Showcar Contest!

Hello everyone! First of all I have to give thanks to Mapman for setting up the blog, and second for relaying the SJGP Contest details. This is certainly too cool to pass up! Me being a 2D artist certainly gets the short end of the stick when it comes to these competitions, simply because everything looks better in 3 Dimensions. But a challenge is a challenge indeed.

I'm off to come up with a design now... But I am secretly pulling for a CCF member to win this thing! Crappies unite! :)

FantasyLiveries.com and the San Jose Grand Prix announce show car design contest!

San Jose Grand Prix Show Car Design Challenge

We’d like *you* to create a livery for San Jose Grand Prix’s show car. The show car is used at events all around the San Francisco Bay Area year round. It is used to promote the San Jose Grand Prix and to promote Canary Foundation, the official social cause of Champ Car. It needs an updated paint scheme and we’d like you to design it. Submit your designs via e-mail to Dale Jantzen at dale at sjgp.com by 5/31/2006. SJGP will select a winning design and the winner agrees to assign rights to the winning design to SJGP. SJGP may use the design on its show car at its discretion.

The show car is a 2000 era Reynard. I am looking for primary branding for “Canary Foundation” with secondary branding for “San Jose Grand Prix.” In addition to the names and logos, I’d like the following messages on the car.

“Stopping Cancer Early – The Best Possible Investment”

“July 28 – 30, 2006”


The base color should remain yellow and Canary’s official accent colors are purple and grey.

1. Pantone Hexachrome Yellow or c0 m0 y100 k0
hexadecimal: FFCC00

2. PMS 526 or c79 94 y11 k 0
hexadecimal: 663366

3. "Grey" 40% of black
hexadecimal: 999999

Grand Prize: 2 tickets to the 2006 San Jose Grand Prix presented by Taylor Woodrow


This is open to anyone, whether you're on the Fantasy Liveries site or not. I don't think 3d or 2d makes a difference, it's all about good design! Good luck, and this is too cool
